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Published Works by LC Helms

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90th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition

Passion’s War

She was haunted in an eerie, unsettling way. Her countenance was sinister, always yearning for an embrace, though never accepting the kind touch offered by another. No one could tame or lure her in, not even hints of kindness; everything and everyone was suspect, dangerous...


Word Weavers International Blog Challenge

Good Granny Wages War One Summer

Hoping to soar to the top of the good granny meter upon their first weekend into summer break, my efforts were sure to amaze their tastebuds. I was washing the last of the dishes (I enjoy doing things the old-fashioned way) when I spotted something moving somewhere to my right. Alert and ready for danger, I scanned the room with my good eye...

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Word Weavers International Blog Challenge


Cool Granny’s Wake-up Call: Life is short—Love people more than things


My Favorite Christmas Memory

My stepfather had died of a heart attack. Mom was alone and traveled to Florida to spread his ashes and be with us for Christmas. Mom is not a follower of rules, but I decided to give her some breathing room and ignore anything that came up. After all, it was Christmas. What could go wrong?...

Car Stereo Replacement

Christian Devotions Ministries


Fear Drowns Out Trust


“Please, Mom. You’re always the backseat driver. Stop trying to control things. The driver will eventually get you there.” The words jolted me. I sat stunned while on a trip with my daughter and her family. A sudden pang of hurt caused me to shut down as I silently stared out the window...

Holding Hands

Christian Devotions Ministries


The Freedom of Forgiveness


The longing to hear her voice again tormented me—a desire I knew could never be. I’d never made things right. In this place of darkness, I told her many things, although much too late...

Middle Age Woman

Christian Devotions Ministries


Letting Go


Being fifty years old, working part-time, and struggling through a sixty-hour master’s degree in professional counseling was hard enough. Not being able to find an internship made things worse. Time was running out. I was frustrated with myself because I had always gotten things done. On top of everything else, I was discouraged by loved ones and friends who told me to quit or give up. Their chatter tugged at me...


Christian Devotions Ministries


Being Loved and Loving Others


During one of my closet floor breakdowns, I heard a knock. The sighting of visitors was rare at my place, as sporadic as spotting a yellow Cardinal. I flushed my face with water and went to the door. A male friend kindly asked that I visit his wife who was grieving over her mother’s death. I agreed and shut the door...

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Pandemic Moments: Stories of the 2020 COVID-19 Outbreak


Join these 40 Christian authors as they share personal experiences and what they learned during this historic period when life became different for everyone.


Within a few weeks, the world shut down, life came to a halt, fear permeated the population, existence was threatened, churches closed, social distance and hiding faces behind masks became an everyday experience, and for many, their faith was challenged.

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